SOCOTRAN Brand Story
Posted by Joy on

Socotran brand name is inspired by the unique culture and environment of Socotra Island, which is renowned for its distinctive flora and fauna. Due to its rich biodiversity and unique ecosystem, the island is often referred to as the "Galapagos of the Indian Ocean". For thousands of years, people have inhabited Socotra Island, forming a unique culture and way of life. They have had to adapt to the island's challenging environment, which includes arid deserts, rugged mountains, and dense forests. Communication has always been a challenge in the island's rugged terrain. Remote locations and harsh conditions make traditional means of...
Maritime Radio Frequency Table
Posted by suwenhui on

The wireless walkie-talkies that carry out wireless communication on maritime ships and on shore are called marine wireless walkie-talkies, also called ship radios. The marine walkie-talkie is a very professional walkie-talkie. Its use environment is harsh, the ship has a wide range of activities, and the sea temperature changes greatly. To meet the needs of global maritime safety navigation, its product design is very professional, and the working frequency is also unified. International maritime communications uniformly stipulate the working frequency range of marine intercoms. VHF maritime radio frequency division The wireless walkie-talkie that is dedicated to the maritime ship and...
- Tags: radio marine
Posted by suwenhui on

The term two-way radio is a technology that allows individuals to keep in contact with each other using radio waves. Each user is given a radio unit which sends and receives audio and data sent over the radio waves. A two-way radio system can be as simple as two radios connecting directly to each other, or as complex as an encrypted network that covers an entire country. You might know two-way radio by the name “walkie talkie”, which is the term used for unlicensed radio devices. The term two-way radio covers the unlicensed equipment and the licensed equipment. How Does...